Color Reading
One-on-one sessions to help guide your way

◎Color Treats (カラートリーツ)は、あなたの旅の途中で見つけたココロケアサロン
◎Color Teatsが提供するのは、カラーリーディング
自分のココロの状態をチェックして、何色のカラーサプリが今必要かをあなた自身が導き出すお手伝いをするのが、Color Treatsのお役目です。
I also started drawing once a day on my monthly calendar. As I drew, I started to want to try new things in my daily life, even small things, and started to develop the habit of finding small happiness. Just as when you go out to take photos, your eyes look around you more than usual in search of a subject, and you become aware of more things, recording your daily life will make you seek more stimulation during the day, and increase your happiness sensors. Even if you don't go far abroad, or even if you don't do it every day, making new discoveries and experiences in your days, where you live now, will bring brightness to your life.
If you can bring back that feeling and add color and brightness to your life through your travel notebook, then it is a wonderful tool and activity.
I also started drawing once a day on my monthly calendar. As I drew, I started to want to try new things in my daily life, even small things, and started to develop the habit of finding small happiness. Just as when you go out to take photos, your eyes look around you more than usual in search of a subject, and you become aware of more things, recording your daily life will make you seek more stimulation during the day, and increase your happiness sensors. Even if you don't go far abroad, or even if you don't do it every day, making new discoveries and experiences in your days, where you live now, will bring brightness to your life.
If you can bring back that feeling and add color and brightness to your life through your travel notebook, then it is a wonderful tool and activity.