
A. 60〜90分セッション・・・

B. 90〜120分セッション・・・

A. 60-90 minute session ・・・

B. 90-120 minute session・・・


サイクルオーダー /ショートセッション (RYB オプショナル2) 60~90分


サイクルオーダー /フルセッション (RYB オプショナル2) 90~120分


◎ マイカラーバランス  (RYB ベーシック) 60~90分

・「今のわたし」の気持ち、状況を俯瞰し再確認しながら、 行動、思考、人間関係など多角的な角度から全体的なバランスを読み解き今のあなたへのカラーサプリをみつけるセッション

マイカラーバランス (RYB アドバンスト) 90~120分




◎ Cycle Order / Short Session (RYB Optional 2) 60-90 minute

Focusing on the present and future
Finding hints on how to move forward to your desired future, who you want to be and where you want to go

◎Cycle Order / Full Session (RYB Optional 2) 90-120 minute

・In addition to the present and the future, we will also look back on the past
This session will deeply explore hints on how to move forward toward the desired future, who you want to be, and where you want to go

◎My Color Balance (RYB Basic) 60-90 minute

・A session to look down and reconfirm how you are feeling, and what is going on in your life at the moment, and to find a color supplement for you by reading your overall balance from various angles, including your actions, thoughts, and relationships

My Color Balance (RYB Advanced) 90-120 minute

・Past or Present? Or the future? Where is my consciousness now?
A session to decipher your overall balance from various angles such as actions, thoughts, and relationships, to reconfirm your feelings and situation, to look deeper into yourself, and to find the color supplement you need for your current situation.

✩Online Sessions

Sessions are available from anywhere in the US, Japan, or all over the world.
Online sessions are conducted using color charts only.