The Color Treats Story
Color Treats (カラートリーツ) という名前は元々ネイリストだった私がアメリカでネイルのお店を始める際、お客様にカラーやデザインを選んで頂く時のワクワク感を、ショーケースに並ぶキラキラと宝石のようなケーキを選ぶ時のワクワク感と重ね、イメージしてつけた店名です。
こんな繋がりを感じ、これからもColor Treatsの名前を大切にしながら活動していこうと決めたのです。
⑪ on the Destiny Number, which represents social roles, life goals, and mission.
Its purpose is…
・To remind people of what is engraved in the depths of their souls.
・To convey my inspiration and sensitivity to others through words, and to make use of them in society.
This is exactly what I would like to do through color reading!
Color Treatsはこれまでのステージではネイリストとして、次の新たなステージではカラーリーディングを通して...
導き出された数字が全てを語ってくれているかのようで、Color Treatsとしてこれから進んでいく新たな道を、後押ししてくれるものだったのです。
- Color Treats
~Chapter 1~
The name Color Treats was originally given to my nail salon when I started my business the United States as a manicurist. The name was inspired by the excitement I felt when customers chose nail gel colors and designs, just like the excitement I felt when choosing the sparkling, jewel-like cakes in the showcase.
In the nail world, color is an approach from the outside to make customers' nails beautiful and happy.
In the course of handling so many colors every day, I noticed a relationship between color and the mind.
In this new stage, I treat color as an approach from the inside.
Color refers to not only what we can see, but also personality and character, and treat means reward, hospitality, treatment, and allowance.
The name I chose for my nail salon is also perfect for color reading, which treats color as an approach to the mind, the name actually gave me goosebumps, as if I had expected to arrive at color reading.
Feeling this connection, I decided to keep the name Color Treats as I continued my career.
~ Chapter 2~
After deciding to take another step forward under the name Color Treats, I had the opportunity to get in touch with the world of numerology.
I decided to do a numerology evaluation under the Color Treats name.
I was again surprised by the numbers that were derived there!
Color Treatsの名で、また新たな道を進んでいこうと決心した後、数秘術の世界に触れる機会がありました。
数秘術に魅了され、Color Treatsの名前から数秘鑑定をしてみました。
And ⑪ includes the meaning of ② because 1+1=2.
There, I learned that the tendency of ② might show up more strongly when one is still young in life experience...
And one of the suitable occupations for ② was, to my surprise, a nailartist!
The soul number, which represents the fulfillment of the heart and the desires of the soul, was ⑨.
Its meaning is…
・I want to understand everyone and their inner feelings.
・I want to be close to others, regardless of age and nationality, and to accept and sympathize with their diverse feelings.
And ⑨ is called the number of counselors and therapists!
Color Treats has been a nail artist in the past and through color reading in the next stage…
The numbers that we came up with seemed to say it all, and they were a boost to the new path that Color Treats is going to take in the future.
I've come up with a great name for myself.
I love this name even more now ♡
Even though the form may change, I will continue to use color to help others.
-Color Treats